Friday, July 19, 2013

Own Your Happiness and Success

Before you can begin to cook up success, you have to realize that you’re the chef.  Whether you cook up a three-star Michelin meal or an inedible mess, it all comes down to you!

Being 'willing', moves you beyond your limitations and into greatness. Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.

Success is doing the right things, right, right now. Ultimately, whatever is in your reality is your responsibility.

Elements of Success

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Homeless Youth- A Sad Global Reality

How about we work to eliminate homelessness among children and our youth. A kind word, a hot lunch from time to time, or even a winter coat, -when you physically SEE and KNOW that child needs help! 

All to create eager confidence and promote self-sufficiency for homeless and runaway youth by providing trust, hope, support, and education. 

Most were traumatized before they reached our streets.Homeless youth have fewer personal and social resources than their in-home peers and less access to health care services and this is reflected in their health outcomes. 

Homeless youth experience poorer health outcomes, including increased trauma and higher rates of physical and sexual abuse, as well as substance abuse. 

Thousands of homeless youth every year are simply stuck in survival mode. Youth omelessness is a problem many people have no file folder.  Most homeless teens – though not all – move from couch to couch and friend's house.

Our hopes of being global supporters of homeless and near-homeless teens is to reach and teach a better way so most will and can finish high school, get a job, continue their educations after high school.

Through the continued commitment and collaboration GVeria Project Success is working hard to partner with groups and companies who are socially aware of these youth issues and would like to make a difference! 

GVeria Project Success
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