It's me Serena. I have a little motivational project for you that is helpful and that will keep you positive for your weeks to come.
Every Sunday write 7 goals, one for each day. These goals can be anything that you need to get done that you might have been setting aside. Also it can be anything that will help you stay on track and keep your head up.
I know its only Tuesday but take these few days to think of the goals for your upcoming week, it never hurts to be prepared. Your first week you may not get all 7 goals done, no one is perfect, so don’t get discouraged.
Always keep trying! And once you get 7 goals done you can start adding more to push yourself and show yourself, I DID IT! Your goals have to be positive and things that will benefit you each week to help you reach your life goals.
Hopefully this will reduce your stress about completing your long term goals because finishing or at least attempting each week to complete 7 minor goals will make your long term goals easier and easier to reach making you feel positive and motivated.
Put these 7 goals some where you will see them each morning. Whether that be your mirror or fridge or on your wall like a poster. Have it visible to remind you, “Oh, hey I got to do this! This is one of my little simple things I even do for myself!
By the way I didn’t finish all 7 goals my first week either. P.s. Perfect is not always being flawless but accepting your flaws and still being proud of who you are and keep moving on to accomplish your long term goals of who you want to be!
This is very inspiring ! and Ill have to try it out (: I'm glad to see that there are still Intelligent women in this world who actually care about others life's! God bless you Serena! xD stay strong and continue this path of success .